
The Proven System That Crushes Poker In 2024 Is HERE!!!

(After a LOT of work) 

If you're learning outdated poker content, you're falling behind

Just take a look at the results my students are getting after using this material. Everything I've learned over the last 8 years of being a poker professional have been adapted to the modern poker landscape.

First of all, here's WHO this course is for. 

Most players want to crush the poker tables. These individuals want to improve at poker and through that, improve their life. However, they just don't know where to find high quality, effective coaching that gets results.    

If that's you, you're in the right place. You're also in the right place if... 

  • You want to become confident in your poker game and make more money playing poker.
  • You want an arsenal of unbeatable poker strategy to use against ALL types of opponents you face.
  • You are learning the game, but want top quality guidance to help improve you ASAP.
  • You want a strong, crushers mindset, where you feel secure in your plan to crush the poker tables.

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What The People Think 

Let's breakdown what you'll
learn in this course.

High quality, well edited videos cover everything you need to become a monster in the modern poker landscape.

The value in this course is designed to blow you away - it's insane!

It includes...​

Strategical Mastery: 🧠  

Become the best player at your poker tables. Vs good players, you will be unbeatable, and Vs bad players of ANY player type, you will learn how to use their weaknesses against them, to optimise profits. 💸 

Off The Tables Mastery: 🧠

This section alone takes players from losing to break even, or breakeven to winning, WITHOUT EVEN PLAYING A HAND (it's crazy - i'll show you why). Through understanding Late Reg, Tournament Selection, and what factors maximise returns in poker, we ensure profit is constantly being attracted to us.   

Mental Game Mastery: 🧠 

Confidence on the poker tables, translates to confidence in life. Understanding how to deal with anger, fear, low confidence etc is by far the biggest way poker has improved my life, and it's a pleasure to help you do the same. ❤️ 

Performance Mastery: 🧠

Bring everything together: Sustain your A game, tap into your flow state, and learn how to perform highly at anything. I lay out the most valuable practices from years of working with a performance coach 💪 

Become the best poker player you know.

Learn how to dominate your opponents with the most profitable strategies of the modern era.

  • High quality, edited videos with practical tips and insights on how to crush your opponents in the modern poker landscape.
  • Learn the same strategies professionals use to dominate the poker tables and generate hundreds of thousands in profit.
  • Overcome every setback with insights covering strategy, off the table work and mental game.

£500 / $650


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

 This course is made for anyone from beginner to mid stakes professional poker players. As a poker coach for 4 years, I have taken on players of all standards, from all over the world. This course has everything I coach in 1 to 1 sessions - I promise you, there is no way you won't make money if you apply it.

Did Dan make this course?

 Yes - It has taken me 2-3 years overall to script, plan edit, and film. It's based on thousands of hours of poker played, and hundreds of coaching hours on what works best. I have had help from other poker pros to design and review the course, as well as lots of editing help ❤️

 Is this for the UK only?

Is this for the UK only? This is for anyone in the word that wants to start crushing poker in 2024, online and live.

 Is this relevant to live poker?

Yes - if you understand and apply this material, you will CRUSH online poker, which is roughly 10x harder than live poker. There is no way you won't be in the top 1% of live players after watching and applying this material.

 Will I be able to speak to Dan?

Will I be able to speak to Dan? Yes, you can add me on Discord (danricepoker). I love seeing any wins from you guys, so send them over ❤️.

 Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes. You have 7 days after purchase to decide if it is for you, and if not, can get a no questions asked refund 🙂

 I work a full time job, is this for me?

I work a full time job, is this for me? Yes, definately! This course is your best option to improve significantly and profit at poker. The videos are well scripted and edited, to help you imporove ASAP, without having to go through hundreds of hours of material to find a couple of gold nuggets.

How does this course compare to other courses out there?

It blows them away - seriously. Myself, and the pros that helped me make this, have watched and reviewed SO MANY poker courses (RYE, BBZ, PADS, Upswing Poker). The best elements of all of those, are included in this, to help you save so much money and time.

About me: 


  • Longstanding crusher of Mid stakes MTT poker
  • Established Poker Coach

Poker has saved me from being swallowed up by the corporate world. A chance for me to a live a free, happy working-life anywhere in the world, and just enjoy a game.

My mission: To give people the same opportunity I had. To use poker to improve their life ❤️  

About Me:

I have been a professional tournament poker player now for 7 years and a coach for 4. I'm from the UK, originally an Economist, but wanted to live a better life than working a soulless investment banking job, that most of my Economics friends have (p.s. they're miserable 😅)

I moved to France after graduating to pursue my goal of turning pro and learn from the best player I knew. The first tourney I won, I thought I had broken poker - it was $650.... 😂

Fast forward to now, and for the last 2 years I lived, worked and trained in Mexico with many top poker pros from all over Europe. I now live in the UK (as of Jan 2024) with 1 aim:

Help as many people as possible use poker positively and healthily. Improve students lives, from beginners to top pros.

My Results

​I've made over $300,000 PROFIT (June 1st, 2024) from online winnings alone, but some online sites are not trackable on Sharkscope (Like Bodog, PMU, and Microgaming)

Become The Best Player At Your Poker Table! 

  • High quality, well edited poker videos on how to make money in 2024!
  • Learn the strategies and practices that all the top pros do everyday that gives them their edge at the top, that is NOT accessible to 99% of players.
  • Overcome mental obstacles holding you back, to gain real confidence in your poker game, knowing why you are in the top 1% of players.

GBP 499 / USD 650

(prices will rise)

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